Wise in Investing in condos and Measuring Profits

Before Investing in a Condominium, You Need to Know the Luckily Facts

Condo investment is indeed very profitable especially if you are investing in The Ola EC, but for those of you who have never been involved in the world of property investment, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of making a condominium investment.

Do not until you regret later on because of immature considerations.

Happy reading and get the complete information at Anchorvale EC, happy investing

 Condos and Apartments

Wise In Investing In Condos And Measuring Profits


Condo investment is indeed often the subject of warm discussion among property investment activists because it promises such a large profit. And is a great business opportunity that you can get at Sengkang EC

However, before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of condominium investment, do you know the difference between an apartment and a condominium?

Indeed, in the development of ownership rights, now apartments and condominiums do not have such a big difference.

But actually, apartments and condominiums are quite different when referring to their ownership rights.

Benefits of Condominium Investment

No wonder why many property investors glance at condominium investment. That is due to various beneficial factors as follows. 

# 1 No Need to Bother with Building Repairs and Renovations

Regarding the exterior of the condominium, the owners or investors do not need to be bothered.

Because all the responsibilities and repairs that are needed such as replacing boards, ceiling or roof installation of condominium units are the responsibility of the condominium association.

Besides, maintenance outside the condominium building such as cleanliness, an order of parking spaces, even the beauty of the park will also be taken care of by the condominium association.

Your responsibility as an investor is to perfect the interior of your condominium unit. 

# 2 Alias ​​Cash Flow Operational Revenue

If you, as a condominium investor, do not sell your room unit, you can have the opportunity to benefit from renting your unit.

By renting out condominium units, you will get cash flow every month.

The count has a count, the cash flow that you can get as a condominium investor has an average amount that exceeds the deposit rate.

If you have heard of a condotel, a condotel, this investment is very profitable because condominium facilities are more luxurious like a hotel. The benefits will also multiply. 

In a condotel investment, you as an investor will be given a guarantee of a certain Rental Guarantee for the first 2 to 3 years of 8{5a000e232833c468ecafffbaa5c200b659bcb5813274bafd1a305a779bb744f3} to 10{5a000e232833c468ecafffbaa5c200b659bcb5813274bafd1a305a779bb744f3}.

After completing the Rental Guarantee period, investors will be given profit in the form of profit-sharing annually.

Usually, this profit-sharing varies, depending on the determination of the relevant condotel management. Some condotels provide profit sharing 40{5a000e232833c468ecafffbaa5c200b659bcb5813274bafd1a305a779bb744f3}: 60{5a000e232833c468ecafffbaa5c200b659bcb5813274bafd1a305a779bb744f3}, some provide profit sharing 50{5a000e232833c468ecafffbaa5c200b659bcb5813274bafd1a305a779bb744f3}: 50{5a000e232833c468ecafffbaa5c200b659bcb5813274bafd1a305a779bb744f3}. 

# 3 Unit Price Increases Along with Inflation

As we all know that inflation causes property prices to creep up every year.

Therefore, the value or unit price of your condominium will also increase.

If you are interested in selling it, of course, you will get a capital gain that doubles the purchase price of the condominium.

However, it is highly recommended that you own the condominium unit to rent it out as a strategy to get very promising cash flow. 

# 4 Can Stay for Free

There are other advantages that you can get as a condo investor.

As an investor, aka the owner of a rented room unit, you can enjoy the condominium facilities and stay for free, if the unit is not being rented out.

Fun is not it?

If you don’t want to sleep at home and want to spend the weekend with your family in a private condo, you can consider these advantages.

That’s the various benefits that you will get if you have a condominium investment. However, don’t rush to allocate your money!

As a wise investor, you must of course also consider the various disadvantages or weaknesses of condominium investment.

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